Image by fooferkitten via Flickr
I take great pride in my homemade chili(aka chilli, chilie)as do most men I have come in contact with. Seldom can I mention that I make my chili from scratch with out the man or woman I speaking with telling me that he or her husband also has his own personal recipe. Take into consideration how many Chili cook offs you personally have heard about over the years. Seems like it is often used as a big fund raiser. Yet another opportunity for men to show their prowess at cooking and another opportunity for the rest of us to indulge in the meaty, juicy, spicy, savory and versatile thing we all call chili. Over the years I have made chili with beans and with out, with potatoes, tomatoes, celery, jalapenos, onion, bread crumbs, steak meat and chili straight from a can. With packed seasoning and with seasoning I just found around the kitchen. Forever looking for just that right mixture and blend of flavors and textures that make my chili the chili's of all chili's!So what is it about cooking chili that has such a strong appeal to men? Is it the fact that it uses a lot of meat? I don't think so even though meat does appeal to most men. There are plenty of dishes out there that use meat, some much more flavorful then chili. Personally, I would always take a nice Fillet Mignon cooked med over a bowl of the best chili. Is it the spice? Well, if you consider that Mediterranean, Mexican, Asian and Indian foods all have a great deal of spice, then I think you would have to agree it isn't the spice that calls us men to cook chili.
No, it isn't the spice, meat or any combination of the many, many, many different ingredients you might find in chili. I think it is because chili is one of those rare dishes that anybody, man included, can make however they want and always say, "That's just how I like it"! That's the caveat. We all want something that we can make and nobody can say "you didn't make it right" because we can counter with "but that is just how I like it, that is my kind of chili, unique to me and me alone!"
Of course it seems no matter how much the chili's differ, they all seem to leave us with the unpleasant but satisfying sense of relief when we expel gas a few hours later.
I'm dad--I'm just saying.