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'You can never rise above your own thinking'. That is one of my favorite sayings. When I worked in behavioral medicine, I often used this saying with the patients. I learned early on that unless a patient can see themselves accomplishing their goals, then they have no energy or drive to even try. It is the same with everyone. Unless you think a goal is obtainable or you can see yourself being successful, you won't have the energy or determination to step out. Many of the patients I worked with had such low self esteem that they felt they didn't deserve anything. They felt they didn't deserve love, friendship, kindness, acceptance.... nothing. With that out look, you can see why they wouldn't bother trying to improve themselves or their lives. It would be pointless because they were sure they would fail. I have tried many different kinds of jobs and businesses. I have been successful with almost every king of job I took. There have only been a very few jobs that I have ever had that I didn't get promoted within the first year. This didn't happen because I have some fantastic skill or talent. I'm convinced that it happens because I can see myself advancing and that give me the drive to do what I need to do to get there.Some of my other favorite sayings:
No matter where you go, there you are.
Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Speak your mind but don't say everything your thinking.
It's better to be thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I'm Dad -- and I'm just saying........... Think UP!
I like it and will forward your message to Miss Cupcake's sister. She could use some positive reinforcement about now! Great advice.